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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

What Tarot Card are You?

You are The Hermit

Prudence, Caution, Deliberation.

The Hermit points to all things hidden, such as knowledge and inspiration, hidden enemies. The illumination is from within, and retirement from participation in current events.

The Hermit is a card of introspection, analysis and, well, virginity. You do not desire to socialize; the card indicates, instead, a desire for peace and solitude. You prefer to take the time to think, organize, ruminate, take stock. There may be feelings of frustration and discontent but these feelings eventually lead to enlightenment, illumination, clarity.

The Hermit represents a wise, inspirational person, friend, teacher, therapist. This a person who can shine a light on things that were previously mysterious and confusing.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Took the above online test. As expected, I am the Hermit. Just the fact that I don't like to go to crowded place, that I rather stay at home then to go out and make new friends and that I treasure my time alone every weekend is enough to lead me to conclude that I would rather rot at home than to go out and meet people..


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