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A Place for my family and friends to know what I've been up to and what I'll be doing. 一个交待行踪和报平安的管道。。

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Reaching my limits...

I'm reaching my limits with regards to my rented house...

Everyday, without fail, my ears are assaulted by noise, man-made noise that is driving my crazy.. If it's not the neighbour (on the left) screaming at her niece, then it's the 2-3 kids (on the right) crying/screaming their hearts out...

It's bad enough the landlord stack his unwanted things on the right side of the house (just in front of my first bedroom), got worse when his maid drys all the floor maps/cloths over the fence in front of my house, and finally it become worst this morning, on my way to work, I saw a broom hanging next to my front door!! These are really getting out of hand.. not to mention getting on my nerves...

If I didnt make it to Japan next Apr (I'm praying very hard that I will), I think I will move out of this place.. and get a quieter place with no landlord around!!


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