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A Place for my family and friends to know what I've been up to and what I'll be doing. 一个交待行踪和报平安的管道。。

Friday, February 23, 2007

Misc thoughts...

How can a manager manage properly/effectively when he/she delegates everything out, not involved in daily tasks, only care about covering his/her ass, wants to look good in the eyes of his/her superior??

He/She can’t be hands off and yet wanted to be on top of everything.


09 Feb
Don’t know why, but I feel very down today… Cant seem to cheer up.. Damn! What is getting into me??? Has the bloody long waiting for news caused this feeling of gloom??

Still feeling depressed. No idea why.. Even after a good 30min run which I covered almost 4km did not help… 做任何事都好像力不从心,情绪特别地down。。同事间的讨论也无心参与。。


Why do we need to keep the Operation Command Center cold? That is the place for people to work, not for machines. So the rationale behind it?? Humbug!


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