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A Place for my family and friends to know what I've been up to and what I'll be doing. 一个交待行踪和报平安的管道。。

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

One of the WOW gang now...

I've officially joined the world's largest MMORPG, World of Warcraft...

Tried the 10-day trial over the new year's weekend, and got kinda hooked. So I've decided to join in the fun. This is really a game to play long term. There is no way to 'finish' playing the game, so to speak, as there are way too many things to try and experience.

So far, I've created a character, a female human paladin in one of the Oceanic PvP
server. I will definitely create and try out other races and classes in a PvE server. I joined that PvP server cos all my friends are there, and it's more fun playing with people you know in real life. Personally, I don't like PvP servers as I dislike the notion of killing other players or being killed by other players. I just want to do my quests and maybe once in a while when i feel like it, join other players killing monsters, do instances, do battle ground or do raids. I want to learn things and explore places at my own pace. Although it is good to have friends with high level characters to help leveling up my characters by helping to clear instances, show me how to get my quests done, but sometimes it felt as if I'm imposing on them to help. In this MMORPG, I like the fact that it is still possible to level up a character by just grinding, i.e. just keep killing mobs within the same area over a long period of time, without help from other players. I can explore many places and, when I feel like it, stop at one place and grind for a while before moving on to other place/quest...

Although I've subscribed to the game, I will not be playing it 24/7 nor will I spend every waking non-working hour playing the game. I will limit myself to 2 hours on week nights and max of 6 hours on Sat & Sun. I will read books or do other non-gaming activities in between...


  • At 1:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    haha, we really r very alike lo, i also prefer to play n level up by myself, even its faster to lvl up wv the help of frens, but i stil like to play it all by myself, hehe.


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