What is Imm Doing?

A Place for my family and friends to know what I've been up to and what I'll be doing. 一个交待行踪和报平安的管道。。

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Pain in the ass...

How long can I stand it? How long do I have to take it? How can I get rid of it??

The 'pain' I'm refering here is my boss... Imagine, a team of 5 is reduced to 4 becos one of us found a better job and left. So each of us is doing 1.25 of our normal work load. Imagine again that 2 of the team members went on a 3-day course and won't be in the office at all during that period. So the 2 of us who is left in office is working 2.5 times our workload!!! And that is on top of the existing projects that we are involved in. I have 2 projects running concurrently with the same (first) delivery dateline of next week!!!

To make things worst, cos my boss never thinks (or she's trying to push her luck), she even ask me to take up another NEW application support that requires full attention, as it is a 'fragile' (I would termed it as 'cock-up') easily breakable application that has its perculiar way of operating/administrating.

Well, if the management (both Visa and HP) do their managing and planning properly, these things wont happen. It has been 3 long months since my colleague gave her resignation notice and then eventually left for greener pasture, and there is still no replacement in sight!! Yet, my boss has been telling other departments that the team would have new members joining!! Darn! Those 2 new engineers will only come in 18 Sep, and by the time they are familiar and ready to share the load, which I think would take at least 2 months, I think most of us have already burnt out!! And also I hope the management is not assuming that those 2 new fellas will not resign when they know that they 被骗上贼船!!

Everyone is looking towards 'graduation'. Think most will just take the money and leave, or take the money, stay around while looking for new jobs.. Too bad I won't know my scholarship results any sooner than next Feb, else I would love to leave the place in Dec, then rest for a few months before shifting to Japan...


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