What is Imm Doing?

A Place for my family and friends to know what I've been up to and what I'll be doing. 一个交待行踪和报平安的管道。。

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Bad sign....

Getting more and more frustrated at work each day.. This is NOT a good sign..

I need to find a 出路soon..

I will apply for scholarships to Japan and Taiwan and hopefully one of the universities there wants me, and/or I will explore further opportunities in translation, and/or will definitely put all my effort into my Jap lessons, or maybe I shall do all the above...

Work has not been giving me the satisfaction it once did. And frankly I have not been putting in 110% of myself into it either, because how am I supposed to?? With everyday seeming like a torture, wishing & hoping that the servers/applications 'behave themselves' & don't give problems and with so many things/user-requests to do, and yet being questioned by my boss: "So what are you busy with?" [when she herself is the main culprit aggravating the situation], how is one supposed to be motivated???

With no motivation, satisfaction is non-existant. And please spare me those idle talks about "Job satisfactions come from within oneself", blah blah blah.. When one is being ignored/back-stabbed numeruos times just trying to do what is best for the company, when those playing politics get more increment/bonuses/etc than those who actually do the work, when one is being taken granted/overlooked, 'job satisfaction' is a luxury that few can afford to indulge. Job satisfaction doesn't pay the rent, doesn't endear you to those people playing politics (instead of working), and certainly won't be the one thing that one will remember in one's death bed. You can call me cynic or doom-sayer, but I think I am just being practical and realistic. You can work your's ass off, but when times are bad (or you happen to step on someone's toes) the company will not be there for you.. Unless of course you owned the company, or you happen to be (sleeping/whatever-ing) with the boss..

So for me, my current work motto is "人不为己,天诛地灭" and "Best effort during office hours".


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