What is Imm Doing?

A Place for my family and friends to know what I've been up to and what I'll be doing. 一个交待行踪和报平安的管道。。

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Big Headache and Little Comfort..

Am having a big headache with the roster of my monitoring team.

One of them is going on long leave (study leave - 2 weeks), the other is on NS standby (meaning he might be activated any time by MINDEF - 3 weeks) and the third being re-deployed to another team. With only 5 person in the team and each manning 1 day and 1 night shift every 4 days, this has completely wrecked my roster into pieces...

In essence, I need to put 2 person doing night shifts alternatingly and 1 person on permanent day shifts for 12 consecutive days as I cannot risk having him doing night shifts when he is (so lucky) to be activated by MINDEF. The roster is plain madness and damn tiring. But I have no other choices... I even need help from the ex-team lead to help cover for 2 weekends.

I feel so useless and helpless. I can't even cover my own team when there is a manpower shortage. How sad can that be??!! I want to learn and take on their duties so I can help ease the load, but my team lead and my HP manager don't want me to!! So all I can do is to plan the roster and ask others to cover. Sometimes I hate asking people for favours. I just hate to beg/ask for something when I myself can do/get it.

However, I've learn to not take things so seriously/personally. Since they do not want me to cover the monitoring team's duties even when there is a shortage of manpower, I can't do much about it. I can do my best and hope for the best. If the roster is not agreeable by the guys who is going to do the shifts, then I'll just highlight it to my HP boss and ask him to resolve it. Because they TIED my hands, I can't help them. Now I'll just cross my fingers & hope the guys can manage the shifts and there is no more suprises in the month of Mar... *cross fingers*


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