What is Imm Doing?

A Place for my family and friends to know what I've been up to and what I'll be doing. 一个交待行踪和报平安的管道。。

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Mid week blues..

The day started innocently good this morning.

Managed to catch the bus although I came out a bit later than usual from my house. There were seats available and I took one at the front of the double-decked bus. There was TV Mobile on the bus, so I was listening to the news and catching some glimpse of it too, when suddenly this very China sounding song start blasting away.. Oh my god.. It's one of those 'barbarians'. I call them 'barbarians' cos they do not know how to behave in a civilised manner, and frankly they should just stay in their caves/holes/whatever. All the songs are sooooo cheesy, the lyrics I mean, all about lost love, old love, forbidden love, wanting to go home to love ones, etc and the lyrics/rhythms kept repeating.... And that 'cave-lady' was happily enjoying it and was totally oblivious to the irritation that she was causing.. ARRGGGHHHH...

To make things worst, another 'cave-woman' came up, started scrolling and playing with her handphone ring tones!! At full volumne!!! Then she was playing games on her handphone. When she lost she cursed loudly, all the Hokkien bad words!! Really very irritating...

Luckily, I had only need to endure these unwelcomed intrusion for about 10 minutes, which felt like hours, before the bus reaches my office.. I also ran down the double-decked bus to escape from these noise pollution..

By the time I got to office, I was very very very irritated..

And the uncertainty that hangs over my contract renewal was making things worse.. Imagine having worked for almost 3 years, and when you want to ask for a pay raise, your boss came back and told you that he do not know how to justify it, as he and the management has NO IDEA what the team was doing for the past 3 years!!! What the crap!! Can you imagine the anger?? Now he wants us to write down in DETAILS exactly what we do/support/administrate... It's sooo ridiculous.. How can a big MNC company accept a project from another big MNC company and took on the project for 3 years and not know what the project entails??!!!

Now the team is super low morale, or should I say NO morale at all. 2 of the guys (my seniors whom are technically more superior than me) are going to be converted to permanent staff, and the other 2 (me inclusive) is being left hanging.. Our contracts will definitely be renewed, that is without a doubt, but the thing is we want better remuneration, aka we want a PAY RAISE!! With all the shit and crap we are doing, we are definitely underpaid, grossly underpaid.. Imagine that I went for an interview that I quoted at least 1K more than my current pay and the people interviewing me said I should have asked for more.. Now I waiting for their response.. Might take a long while until they reply, as the person whom I'm replacing said that it took him 6 months to get into the company!! So, let's wait and see how things go....

Again, my ultimate aim is to go Japan next Apr... 保佑!保佑!!


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