What is Imm Doing?

A Place for my family and friends to know what I've been up to and what I'll be doing. 一个交待行踪和报平安的管道。。

Monday, May 29, 2006

Handover saga..

According to my VISA boss, Sophie, my monitoring team (AP Applications Operations team) will be under the care of another manager, SK, with effect from 1 Jun. And yet, they (meaning my HP boss and SK) are still undecided who they want me to hand over the team to!!!

After telling my HP boss, Allan, that I'll wash my hands off the monitoring team from 1 Jun regardless of who takes/dont take over, he finally told the 'idiot' who was previously the team lead who screwed everything up that he has to take it.. That's not it, it seems that he (my HP boss) will be 'promoting' one of the existing guy in the team to 'assist' that idiot!!

What to f***!! When I heard this, I told Allan right away that the management is being unfair and I'm very unhappy about it. Why? When I took over the monitoring team, they didn't do anything to lessen my workload, nor did they compensate me in anyway for the added responsibilities. I straightened up the whole team and created all the SOPs and processes in 6 months, the same amount of time that idiot 'lead' the team before being transfered. But because that idiot kept telling the whole world that he is 'BUSY' with his existing team, HP management is employing another person to 'assist' him!!! For me, they should just promote one of the existing guys as team lead, and that's it, no need to involve that idiot at all. Why give him the title of 'team lead' if he is soooo 'BUSY' with another team?? I told Allan that if this is the way HP management does things, let's wait until the renegotiation of contract, he will know what will happen. He tried to put the blame on his previous boss, saying at that time when I took over, there was no budget, but now his current boss agreed to increase manpower. I refused to answer or acknowledge what he said.

Thus in the mean time, I shall make myself invaluable to VISA and make sure my VISA boss can't do without me, and THEN let's negotiate... Or I can go to my Plan B.. But the best case scenario would be me going to Japan...


  • At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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