What is Imm Doing?

A Place for my family and friends to know what I've been up to and what I'll be doing. 一个交待行踪和报平安的管道。。

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Drama in office.. (will most probably be seen as) my fault (?) and I wasn't even there!!

Got an sms from one of my colleagues (not from the same dept) about some happenings today in office, that seemed to have been aggravated by me not being around!

This is her side of the happening, which I shall reserved any judgement to its authencity.....

Some users wanted to publish some contents to their website using the application that I am administrating. Due to the high volume, the application seemed to have hanged and stopped working. Thus the need to ask for my team's intervention to get those contents published. Instead of helping the users immediately on this production issue, my boss has requested them to send in an emergency request and get all the relevant approvals/sign-offs before allowing my team to action. This is one point of contention, as the users see no reason for this need when the contents have already gone thru the proper and complete approval process.

Anyway, the users have submitted whatever that my boss has requested and then it was my team's turn to remedy the situation. As I wasn't in office the whole week, that responsibility was passed to my colleague. Due to unknown reasons (which I will clarify when I get back office next week), he was unable to perform that task! So in the end, they had to ask the users' representative (the same person who sms-ed me the first place) to come into the operations center and help my team to fix the problem!! That was the other point of contention, as this issue was escalated all the way to my boss's boss, since my team is not able to perform the task that we are supposed to do. No wonder, she said she rather have me around to fix all problems.

Normally, if there is any failure in publishing, I'll just resubmit those publishing requests and they will work. Even if the failure remains, I can do a quick remedy (restart the application, etc) and that will resolve that problem. There is no need to ask my boss for advice as this is a production issue, which we are more familiar with their resolutions. I will just notify her once the problem has been resolved. There is no need to go through an entire round of approval/signing-off.

Frankly, there is no need to escalate things so high up in the command hierarchy. And if everyone knows their stuff, all these won't have happened in the first place. The users shouldn't have published so much web contents within such a short period of time that they actually jammed/hanged the application. My boss shouldn't have asked them to perform so many paperworks before remedying the problem, all these can be done after the problem is fixed. My colleague shouldn't have NOT known how to do the republishing of contents, as he has done it many times. My colleague should have called me before approaching the users themselves for help, especially after being 'tekan' by my boss.

Honestly, what pissed me off the most is the last point. I'm just a phone call away, and yet they didn't call me.. That shows how much they treat me as part of their team... Am I that unapproachable?? I think there will be a big hoo-ha this coming Monday when I get back to work. My boss will definately ask me why I didn't teach that colleague of mine what I was doing on that application.. We are supposed to back each other up when the other is not around. Everyone is busy with their own responsibilities. So.. I can't help it nor can I force them if they are reluctant/have no time to learn. Really hate it when these kinds of things happen... Really affected my mood tonight..


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