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Saturday, April 01, 2006

9MP.. OMG...

For fellow Malaysian, they know what 9MP stands for, "9th Malaysia Plan", but to me, it's more like "9th Malay Plan". When I read about it in newspapers and blogs, I couldn't help but feel both pissed and amused.. Let me explain...

-> Two New Universities in Terengganu and Kelantan.
Why do they need new universities for? To churn out more unemployed and unemployable grads?? Use that money to improve those existing universities and regain back the quality that UM and USM used to have. Use that money to employ more qualified lecturers/professors/VC. Use that money to buy better and newer equipments for the labs.

-> Exhance Bumiputera property ownership with RM$2billion initial allocation
WHAT?? Who will be accountable for those money? Who will own the properties that will be bought with that money? Or they are going to buy properties using those money and give them to Malay entrepreneurs? Who will check and make sure the ROI of those properties bought? Who can make sure that this will benefit the majority of the rural Malay folks?

-> Expanding KLIA's passager handling capacity
And allow the airport workers to have more money to buy more sophisticate tools to pry open our luggages? If only they can improve the efficiency of the ground crew, provide better in-flight meals and cut the airport taxes, they will be able to give Changi a run for it's money.

-> National Deficit ballooning to RM351.3 billion by end of 2010.
WAH!! That amount is equivalent to almost half of Malaysia's GDP. So who will pay for those deficits? Malaysia govenrment has been suffering deficit for the past 8 years. How do they think they are going to reverse the situation come 2010? Comparatively, the RM$4 billion savings from cutting fuel subsidies seem a lot like a drop in the ocean now. And they are thinking of using EPF money to finance that.. Wow!!

-> PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was closed to tears and had to be patted on the back by DPM Najob..
Oh please! Just because Tun Mahathir had his crying moments during one of the past UMNO assembly doesn't mean that PM Badawi has to have one too.. What is there to get emotional about? Ntional development is a cold number game. Either we can accomplish Wawasan2020, or we failed. Frankly all these emotional outbursts are soo unbecoming of our MP and ministers. Yes, they are supposed to be emphatic and feel for the rakyat, but there is no need to cry or shed tears every time they want to make a statement.

The above are just some of my personal comments.. Sometimes I really wonder what Malaysia will be like in 10 or 20 years time. Will the Chinese still stun the civil service and armed forces? Will police still continue asking citizens if they want to 'settle' and not booked them immediately? Will it still have citizens who identify themselves as Chinese/Malay/Indian, instead of Malaysian? Will there be students scoring obscene numbers of As in SPM/STPM and yet can't think on their own? Will there be thousands of graduates with degrees that is of no practical use in real life? Or graduates who need to be re-educated to be employable? Will it really (or finally) gone to the dogs? or will it flourish amid the economic shadow of China and India? Only time will tell...


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