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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Now my dentist told me...

Went to the dentist yesterday.. my first dental visit since 2001...

At first I didn't want to go, cos I don't really like dentists, or rather the not-so-pleasant experience of having fillings when I was in promary school. But the food-getting-stuck scenario keep repeating, and it is no fun having something stuck at the far corner of your teeth and you can't get it out no matter what you do. It is sooo irritating... And also I want to confirm something too... I want to confirm that the problem is caused by the long-awaited emergence of my wisdom tooth.

It was a lady dentist who attended to me. She is good in putting people at ease. The dentist chair, the spot light and the dental equipment used did not seem as intimidating as I remembered. It took her a while to clean almost 4 years worth of plaque. Not to mention 3 cavaties that she discovered, 1 in upper left jaw and 2 lower right jaw. The cleaning process was okay, except when she was cleaning my lower left jaw. It seems that the last teeth didn't manage to come out fully, thus creating some sort of 'hole' that traps food. That was painful. I was a picture of calm during the whole cleaning process, except that part when I was grimacing. After that, she went ahead with the polishing. As my gums were swollen, she advised to do a flouride treatment, which I duly agreed.

The whole dental experience was quite pleasant actually, I left the clinic with a cleaner and healthier set of teeth, but it left my wallet thinner ($90 poorer to be exact). And I made another appointment next Monday to have my 3 fillings done. Better do it fast before the cavaties get worst.

Oh yes, my wisdom tooth is out (my upper right). And it is the culprit for my food-getting-stuck scenario. Dr Yee said that since it is not causing me any pain, I could opt to either take it out or brush more frequently to minimise the problem. Well, after waiting so long for my wisdom tooth to come out, I wouldn't want to extract it out immediately.. Let it stay a little longer and see how thing goes..


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