What is Imm Doing?

A Place for my family and friends to know what I've been up to and what I'll be doing. 一个交待行踪和报平安的管道。。

Monday, April 24, 2006

She said they said.. They said she said..

So who exactly said what??

My boss is telling everyone that the other department is trying to make things difficult by making unreasonable demands and requests that are against the norm of any operation department. While they (the other dept) are saying that my boss refuses to listen to their side of the story and put words into their mouths... So exactly what went on during their meeting is anybody's guess...

That was last friday.. when my boss had called an emergency meeting with only 3 of the 5 team members (as the other two was on mc and on course respectively). She told us that the other dept brought up a lot of 'exception' that we allegedly did that did not comply to procedures and were demanding that we allow such exceptions to be the norm in future! She said they said a lot of things that we did for them that didnt comply to our standard operating procedures. After hearing that I was very pissed. I went to ask two of the team members of the other dept for a talk at a cafe downstairs from the office. What they told me is totally different from what my boss told us! It's 2 different stories altogether...

Now who should I believe??


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