What is Imm Doing?

A Place for my family and friends to know what I've been up to and what I'll be doing. 一个交待行踪和报平安的管道。。

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

And I thought the previous weekend was bad...

Wah.... finally caught up with some much needed shut-eye...

The past weekend was packed.. stressed out and no fun...

After the last office relocation early Oct, I thought that would be the end of OTs. But I was wrong. The last Sat and Sun was madness... Went back office at ard 11pm Sat, stayed till 4am (Sun). Left and went home to sleep, then back again at 5pm Sunday and stayed till after 10pm.... All because Network guys wanna switch switches, and connect to the old UPS from the old office... Ordered in McD on Sat night. Company expenses, so why waste?! And was back in the office at 8am Monday!!

Brain was not getting any rest.. body too.. and somehow I still don't seem to lose weight... why???

So this weekend, unless there is another new translation project to do, I'm going to do nothing but stone... although I would still need to find time to somehow clean my messy house...

But even after all these mad rushes, I feel so much more alive and living meaningfully... 很充实。好像每天都过得有意义,有目标。好像在渐渐地迈向我的目标。。。 大家加油吧!!


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