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Sunday, July 16, 2006

Had lunch with my lecturer...

Met up with my translation lecturer from Nanjing University, Professor He Chengzhou, who taught me last year. We met yesterday at Vil'age Restaurant. I approached him for a favour.. I needed a lecturer who taught me to write the recommendation letter for my application for the Monbusho Scholarship.. Thankfully, he agreed and thus the meet-up.

We talked a lot during the meal. He was to teach this year's class in the afternoon, so we had a 1.5 hour lunch. He shared his views and knowledge about China today, his life in Norway (6 years) and I told him about myself, family and of course, the application process of the scholarship. He was very friendly and approachable. I was very lucky that it was his turn to come this month. I would have a tougher time getting the recommendation letter if it was Prof Ke Ping or Prof Yang Jincai. So in a way, i think 老天在帮我..


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